Types Of Plants For Shady Areas – Many gardeners struggle with finding the right types of plants for beautification of shady areas, but that need not be the case.
Types Of Plants For Shady Areas
Here are the top 10 easy to grow shade plants: One or more is sure to work no matter what climate zone you are in.
1. Daphne Odora

One of the most amazingly fragrant plants; blooms in the dead of winter in colder regions. Use in zones 4 to 10, 12, and 14 to 24. This can take part sun also.
2. Campanula

Also called bellflower; this pretty, delicate light purple flower blooms about 9 months of the year in some zones. Designated for zones 1 to 9 and 14 to 24. Check for types recommended for shade, as some need full or part sun.
3. Dicentra (bleeding heart)

For zones 1 to 9 and 14 to 24. There are types that require full shade or part shade. Very pretty, with rows of hanging flowers on arched stems.
4. Begonia Foliosa Miniata

Zones 14 to 24 and in Hawaii. Begonias are one of the easiest types of plants to grow in shade, with flowers blooming all year in mildest zones.
5. Rhododendron

A long time classic for shade in cottage type gardens. Treasured for attractive evergreen foliage as well as showy and beautiful flowers in many colors. Hino crimson is recommended. Does need part sun. Check zones for many different types, including azaleas.
6. Mountain Laurel

Beautiful evergreen shrub similar to rhododendron. For zones 2 to 7 and 16 and 17. This is one for the coldest of all zones.
7. Star Jasmine

Great smell and nice shiny leaves. This is a vine for zones 8 to 24 and Hawaii. It needs part sun. Some types require full sun, so check before buying.
8. Florists Cineraria

Only for warm areas, although sold everywhere as a gift plant. Fabulous deep fuchsia and other variegated colors. For zones 16,17, and 22 to 24.
9. Aucuba Jacoponica Variegata

Zones 4 to 24 in full shade or partial. Also referred to as Japanese aucuba. Attractive large shiny leaves splashed with yellow; looks like a can of yellow paint spilled on the leaves.
Some tips for shade gardens:
It is essential that you give needed nutrients to the types of plants recommended for shade. If large, especially older, trees or shrubs are already growing, they will suck up so much water that plants placed near them may die from lack of water or nutrients. If you want a beautiful shade garden, you may need to remove some trees or shrubs with massive roots first.
The key is giving ample water to shade gardens, especially perennials.
Pay careful attention to the level of shade. There is a big difference between full shade and part shade. Analyze the specific sections of your garden at all times of day to ascertain the actual level of shade.
Then, pick part or full shade plants for each of the areas when you can map out the degrees of shade per each square foot.
A shade garden is a wonderful retreat in the hot summer, and worth the effort to keep the right types of plants going strong. Happy gardening!
Keyword: Types Of Plants For Shady Areas