The definition of trash, also known as garbage, waste or rubbish, is all those unwanted, useless or toxic materials that needs to be thrown away. In many countries, there are specific places where trash can be disposed.
Nowadays, due to the high levels of trash that humans being produced, most of the countries (specially the undeveloped ones) are having a lot of problems. The conciousness about this problem is becoming more popular and there are some new treatment of trash.
Types of Trash
There are many different ways of classify the types of trash, but the most well known are organic, inorganic and recycling.

The organic materials are all those biological waste that were part of the nature. This kind of trash is the less dangerous and can be desintegrate per ser. In this category we can add, for example, death animals, plants, seeds, rests of food.

The inorganic materials are the ones that are product of an industrial or not natural process, such us plastic, clothes, electronic stuff, etc.

The recycling materials are the ones that we can re-use after a procedure in which the old, used material is transformed in a useful and new product. For example, papel, cardboard, glass, plastic.
Among this types of trash, we can mention another very important kind that we should care, the dangerous waste
Dangerous waste

Those are all waste, from biological or industial origin, that are a threat for the enviroment. This kind of waste must be treated in a different and special way in orden to reduce they potential damage.
Some examples of this kind of trash are corrosives, acids, radioactive materials and infectious medical waste. The people involve in this kind of trash must be very careful and the desitions about what to do with them must be in charge of competent profesionals.