A seller is the person in charge of trading products, those products can be made or bought to resell. There are different types of sellers, depending on the product and the way used to put it on the market. The most popular are: wholesalers, retailers, technical sellers, internet sellers and street sellers.
Types of Sellers

This type of seller buy bulk products, in large quantities, straight from the leader companies, and is in charge of reselling them at a higher price to retailers, and they will fix the final price for consumers.

This type of seller is responsible for the direct sale to public. They buy from the wholesalers, the products that they want to sell, fix a competitive price for the market, and want to obtain a profit between the different of the wholsalers’s price and the final price for consumers.
Technical sellers

This type of seller are also called engineers sellers. They are responsible sales that require a specific knowledge of the products. Is easy to find this type of sellers in some business, like computing. This products can’t be sell by someone without knowledge in the subjet.
Internet sellers

This type of sellers have appeared with the boom of the Internet and the increasing use of the networks and social media. They use websites and platforms to offer their products to a massive number of people, trying to reach potencial buyers.
The most important attribute that they need to have is the ability to generate a trustful enviroment in order to attract more buyers. Ebay and Amazon are very famous website full of internet sellers.
Street Sellers

This type of seller has the difficult task of selling their products on the street. The more popular things sold are artesanal food, vegetables, fruit and handmade products, easy to transport and sell. They normally offer competitive price because they are free of taxes.