Essay is a small volume of student work, mostly of a theoretical nature.
It takes up about 15 pages, although the teacher can put more work to do. The essay consists of the following parts:
Cover letter, which displays information about the educational institution, the research discipline, the chosen topic, the author, the teacher who checks the work.
Table of contents with a list of section titles and pages on which they are in the text.
Introduction. The essay contains a justification of uniqueness, a description of the purpose, objectives, definition of the object and subject. Sometimes research methods, information base, indication of scientific significance can be added.
The main part, broken into heads. A typical essay consists of 2-3 sections, which are very rarely divided into paragraphs. This specificity is due to its small volume, a large number of paragraphs leads to the fact that they will occupy no more than one sheet.
Conclusion, containing very brief results of the work.
References containing sources cited in the text.
Applications that may contain research. Most often, these are tables, pictures larger than two-thirds of the sheet, which would overload the main text.
Defining an essay as a scientific work does not mean that research cannot be creative. Therefore, the following types are distinguished:
Interesting to know!
The essay is, in fact, the simplest student work because it has the simplest requirements. Essays are the first tasks that are given to students for independent performance.
The ability to summarize the main points of the study will be useful to them later in the certification, when the commissions will be provided with the dissertation essay
Types of Essays
It is based on the analysis of certain issues, characterized by impartiality in the interpretation of data.
Scientific style is used for writing narrative essay, an excellent example of which are dissertations, textbooks, publications in specialized publications.
The material is presented clearly, consistently, can contain formulas and definitions, each thesis is argued.
The conclusions also do not contain any subjective opinion of the author, it is just a concise statement of the main points of the study.
This essay is not performed by students of exact, technical specialties, but it can be found in philologists, culturologists, students of the theater department, etc.
Distinguishes his freer style of teaching, the need to formulate their views on the studied situation or phenomenon.
The use of phraseology, household names, appropriate use of the local dialect is allowed.
The closest in style and way of presenting information is an essay, which is gaining popularity among teachers as a task for students.
The level of uniqueness of the text reflects the personal contribution of the author.
Therefore, an artistic essay must have a higher rate of originality than a scientific one, where a large number of quotations, classifications, interpretations of terms reduces the percentage of uniqueness.
Classification of Essays
Types of essays are also determined on the basis of the method of presenting information, the number of sources used, the completeness of the study, the purpose.
Consider the most common classification of the essay.
Types By Way of Presenting Information
- Reproductive
These types of essays are easy to distinguish from others, they are based on the analysis of one source. Then the student formulates his own opinion in his own words.
Nothing more is required from the author. The essay can be in the form of a synopsis containing the main theses of the scientific work, or a summary – a summary of the book.
- Productive
Here the author’s opinion is added to the analysis of the material, for example, recommendations developed by him or formulated conclusions. There are such types as report and review.
They are distinguished by an objective assessment of the collected, analyzed material, the presence of the student’s opinion, his interpretation of the facts and the obtained indicators.
Types by Number of Sources
- Monographic
Based on the analysis of a single source, such as an article or book.
- Review
Which takes several primary sources on one topic, analyzed and compared the main provisions of each.
- Fragmentary
For which writing several chapters of the book or paragraphs of research are enough. The teacher asks you to analyze a certain piece of text, without having to read the rest.
Types by Completeness of the Study
- Indicative
Contains only the main points of the study. The student, studying the phenomenon, is limited to the definition of terms, its essence, basic characteristics. May be of a thesis nature.
- Informative
The author analyzes a large amount of information and sets out in detail the main points, supplementing them with data that contribute to a deeper understanding of the research topic.