Types of Beagles –The Beagle has long had a place as one of the most popular breeds for families. Beagles are also used as scent detection dogs at U.S. airports, to search for weapons, drugs, and illegal food items.
The beagle breed was developed in England to hunt hare, and they are still happy when following their noses. For that reason, they belong to a category of dogs known as scent hound.
Different Types of Beagles
The American Kennel Club recognizes two varieties of beagle: the 13-inch and the 15-inch. However, you can also find pocket beagles out there these days, which typically grow only up to 12 inches. Moreover, there are various hybrids that have resulted from beagle breeding.
1. 13 Inch And 15 Inch Beagles

These types of beagles are the same whether they are 13 inches or 15 inches. The only variation is their height. They have large brown eyes and drooping long ears .Their muscle is squarish and the nose broad.
Their chest is deep, back is straight and they have a moderately long tail that is carried high. The most common color pattern is black, red and white.
However, there are other color combinations such as red and white, white and lemon, silver or khaki.
The Beagle is prone to ears infections, since they have floppy and long ears. So, they need necessary to examine their ears every two weeks.
The coats on these traditional types of beagles are easy to care for with an occasional bath and daily brushing, making them fairly low maintenance pets.
2. The American Eagle

The American Eagle dog is a hybrid combination between Beagle and American Eskimo. Their bodies are like the American Eskimo and their head has definite Beagle characteristics.
The have large brown eyes, dark brown nose, and floppy eyes, while the eyelids, gums, and footpads should be black.
The interesting fact about American Eagle is some male individuals can have a fairly heavy coat around the neck that can almost appear mane like.
They are small to medium sized dog that has affectionate, loving, outgoing and confident personality, which is proving popular with families. They are average shedders.
Their thick double coat needs to brush everyday to remove extra hair and to keep from hair entagling. Also, clean the eyes and ducts of the dog everyday.
3. The Sharp Eagle

The Sharp Eagle is a cross between Beagle and Shar-Pei. Like their Shar-Pei parents, they have nice black, brown, or tan coat.
They are playful and active, that show a lot of energy. They tend to become bored and anxious if they don’t get proper amount of daily exercise.
4. The Poogle

The Poogle is mixbreed dog that result of a cross between Beagle and Poodle. They are small sized dog with face looks like their Poodle parent. They have wavy hair, round eyes, and floppy ears.
White, gray, brown, black, and tan are their common colors. They are friendly, outgoing, and intelligent. These characteristics make them good family pet.
5. The Peagle

The result of breeding Beagle and Pekingese is hybrid beagles called Peagle. Peagles have silky coat, either long or short. They are affectionate and smart dogs that enjoy playing with human and other dog.
Additionally, they prefer being a center of attention, so they are entertaining as well. These characteristics have made them immensely popular as pets.
6. The Labbe

The Labbe, also known as Beagador, Labeagle, and Labeagle, is a cross between Beagle and Labrador. They have become very popular dogs who make great companion to hunt, great family pet as well.
Their common colors are white, brown, black, tan, and they can tri-color. They tend to look primarily like Labrador, only smaller.
7. The Bogle

The Bogle is a cross between Beagle and Boxer. They may seem strange to breed, but these types of Beagles are popular. They have strong, muscular, and athletic body, with very low maintenance.
They only need simple daily brushing to take care of any shedding. They are loyal, affectionate, and have a natural instinct with great sense of smell.
8. The Puggle

The Puggle is the most popular beagle hybrid, created from Beagle and Pug. The puggle’s coat is short and smooth. Their fur should be straight and never wavy. The colors can be white, fawn, tri-color, and black.
They are playful and energetic small dog, so they need a good bit of daily exercise. They have less ear problems than their beagle parent, and less breathing problems then their pug parent.
There are various types of beagles that are hybrids and many more are expected to appear.
The beagle is a great species known for their intelligence and loyalty so it is not surprising that breeders are constantly finding new varieties of this species to offer.
Keyword: types of beagles
THIS IS BS ,, There is ONE Beagle of 2 Verities the 13″ and the 15″ the rest of the stuff you have listed is BS they are MUTTS
Those mutts are a waste of beagle genes.
I agree. Any cross breedings are Mutts! There are only 13″ and 15″ sizes recognized by the AKC.
I love the Beagle!!! I couldn’t find one at my local shelter where I volunteer but I did find my Fast Freddy a Beagle/Spaniel mix.
He’s tons of fun…..except when he squirrel barks!?
Mutts are beautiful!
Difference is intriguing & interesting. No one probably has made them that way lol. My dog is a Beagle Dotson. The mother was a pure beagle & the father was a winner dog🤷♀️🤣
Where are the beagle puppies for sale??? I keep going to site after site that says beagle puppies for sale, but have not seen one puppy for sale!!!
We just got our puppy from Blackhawk Beagles in Raiford Florida. My husband went to pick her up and they won many trophies and awards.
-Search for beagle rescue groups in your area. They are a great place to adopt a beagle, rarely have puppies, though.
-breeders.net is the site I used to adopt my beagle babies. This site has a weath of information, I recommend the article explaining how to check out the breeder. God forbid you stumble upon a puppy mill! If you do, please inform the authorities; such places not only exploit their breedering dogs, the puppies are not socialized which can lead to behavioral problems. These dogs and puppies do not receive human attention and will breed the female dogs every cycle, usually them before they are fully developed themselves, about two years of age. Just because they have pedigrees, doesn’t always mean they are healthy. I’ll step off my soapbox now.
I also used breeders.net to list my puppies. I stopped breeding my beagles about five years ago when I realized there are so many beagles that need forever homes due to irresponsible people and/or not knowing what a beagle requires to ensure puppy and family are happy. There actually is a “Beagles for Dummies” book, I gave a copy with every puppy. I have actually talked people out of adopting a beagle!
Beagles are a wonderful companions! I consider mine as my babies, even though my Pixie will be fourteen this year.
I hope that helps!
I’ve adopted both of my beautiful beagle pups from rescues on PetAdopt.com. It’s a conglomerate of rescues and SPCAs. You can set up an alert and they will send you an email when new beagle pups are available. Good luck!
I rescued a beagle pup bout 4-5 wks wks old who had been cut and burnt w a cig. She grew past the 15 in mark. Vet said mayb she will b a walker. She finally stopped at 18 in. I met a man that raises and trains beagles. She was a rare size that if i had 1 the same size and papers I could could’ve made some great $. She was the best dog EVER!
I have an 18” pure bred beagle. She is fantastic, a good runner and very smart. She’s a one-person dog though, she loves everybody but is most loyal to me. Best dog!
Me too. I call my beagle a “Colossus Beagle”. 17 inch at the shoulder and 38 pounds.
I had a Beagle that was 17″ . I just figured he was an XL 15″ . He was the sweetest, funniest dog.
We adopted a shelter Beagle puppy at 8 wks. He pushes the size and weight limits too. Had a problem with aggression at 6-12 months, but beh mod was successful. Sweet dog. Joined to my hip.
He has perfect markings, but has a more slender face and longer muzzle than Beagjes should have. Is he just “not show quality”? We don’t care. He’s beautiful, sweet, funny, and mine!
I had a beagle mix. Got him at 8 weeks old and just lost him last summer at 17 years and 8 months. He, Dallas, was my best buddy and I miss him terribly. He went every where with us… he had a 150,000 plus miles as a road warrior. Some day I will bring home another beagle mix, just not ready.
Hi, Roslyn –
Your comment really resonated with me…we lost our 13 yr old Beagle, Roscoe, this past January. We knew we wanted to eventually have another Beagle in our lives, and recently decided to foster Beagles through our local Beagle rescue organization. It was a good way for us to ease back into things and help out pups in need of love. We are about to get our second foster later tonight. I still get choked up thinking of Roscoe. Your Dallas sounds like he was an awesome companion. You will find another someday, when you are ready! I wish you well.
We are having a hard time teaching our puppy to go outside! He will be 1year in September. He is a Blue Tick Beagle. Yes we’re consistant with out side potty times but he just goes whenever and where ever in between.
We have another type. It is a Colossus Beagle. He is supposed to be a 13 inch, but seems like there is a Harrier in the woodpile. 18 inches at the shoulder and 38 pounds. He is twice the weight/ length of my other 13 inch beagle who weighs 18 pounds.
Love, love, love our Beagle Bassitt mix. He is the best dog!!! Freckles is a real member of our family!! He was a rescue!!
The Bagel, a combination of the Beagle Basset Mix was not mentioned. Love that combination. My son’s dog looks like a Beagle but has the body of a Basset and personality of both!
I just adopted a bonded pair of Beagles, they may be mother & son. Someone dumped them on a farm in Ohio. Found them through “Rescue Me!” Website. All ready in love with them both?
When I was growing up we had a blue beagle. This dog was so smart. He would play hide and seek with my mother. When I had my first baby, he would not let anyone near the portables. I never heard him growl until a neighbor came to see the baby.He actually bared his teeth. When she started to crawl he stayed by her sidr and if she went somewhere she shouldn’t he would grab her diaper and pull her back. He’s been for 30 years and I am still not ready for his replacement. He was awesome. His name was Kelly.
I was looking for a Rottie when I was shown a picture of my new fur baby Ricky he is a beagle Chihuahua . He is so cute and a ham.
Your post has listed sponsored ads for beagle puppies. If you purchase a beagle from them you are supporting puppy mills and cruelty to animals! My poor little beagle has been traumatized for life from the Amish puppy mills. Adopt, don’t shop! I support beagle rescues not more breeding and puppy farming. Thank you to those who open their homes and hearts to the rescues ❤️❤️❤️
I have a beagle/English bull dog. They call him a Beabull. He has the beagle face with a bulldog body, and is white with brown spots. Great dog!!
I love my Beagles. Have had one accidental litter of Beagarainians. (Beagle-Pomerainian) Was asked to please breed them again, but refused.
Eagerly searching for another beapso (beagle/llasa apso mix). My 14 year old beapso has been the joy of my life. I will travel far to find another. Can anyone help me?
Will all Beagles have 3 colors? Will AKC and National Beagle Club accept 3 or just 2 colors?
I would just say that my husband and I wanted a puppy when we moved into our new house 2 years ago and we decided to adopt a 13” beagle who we love very much from a breeder and then 8 mts. Later decided to adopt a brother for him. We adopted another male beagle who is 15” tri-color and we couldn’t be happier. They are both the smartest, sweetest and fun athletic dogs we need. I would never go back to another breed even though I grew up with labradors. I thought I wanted another breed and had never even considered a beagle and now I am totally obsessed with them. They bark and howl and can be stubborn, but dammit they are the coolest damn dogs I have ever owned. Truly mans best friend! 🐶❤️
Don’t forget the Bassabea – Bassett/beagle mix So pretty!!! Not to mention – she loved everyone!
My full blooded dachshund passed after 16 years. I knew I could not have another like him. But I found a perfect Corgi/Beagle mix. He is the best little dog. Loyal, smart and talks! I love my little mutt! And he loves me! Very loyal! ❤ He was very easy to train. I loved my dachshund. But this little guy has my heart ❤
We’ve had 2 beagles that we loved, but when looking at the shelter found a beagle/cocker mix. A Bocker. She’s cream colored with darker spots and has the body of s beagle. Her ears aren’t quite as long as a beagle. She also doesn’t ‘follow her nose’ everywhere and never runs out. She’s got the best of both breeds!