Do you love the colour of purple? And you also love flowers? Why don’t we just mix them both? Purple flower! Yes, you can have purple flowers to make your garden looks prettier.
Well, there are so many kinds of flowers with purple colour. To know more what are those types and the meaning? Take a look below!
Purple Flower Meaning
Purple used to be the colour of royalty and glamorous, they constantly cost so much money just to pick this colour. Using purple flowers in the bouquet is always a win-win option. Click here to see more.
So what is the meaning in the purple flower? The meaning is pride, refinement, and success. This flower can be the hope for your life as well. Isn’t it interesting?
Types of Purple Flowers
In this part, I will show you the list of types in purple flowers for your references! Take a look the list below.
1. Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorus)

Balloon flower is natively from East Asia. You may know this flower as Chinese bellflower or platycodon.
The name balloon itself is because this flower has premature flower bloom (flower bud) that can be open.
This flower is good in the dry soil and can live in the light of the sunlight.
2. Bittersweet Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara)

Bittersweet Nightshade is originally from Europe and North America.
This flower is very unique since the name is bittersweet, the leave tastes bitter than sweet.
This flower has contrast yellow in the middle among the purple petals.
3. Candytuft (Iberis sempervirens)

This flower is natively from Europe but you may see this flower in the United States as well. This flower only blooms in the spring or summer. This flower is usually to decorate and cover the edge of the road.
4. Catmint (Nepeta sp.)

Just like the name, this catmint is still related to catnip. They bloom in the summer, they are getting bigger in the heating season.
5. Cattleya Orchid (Cattleya labiata)

This purple orchid is originally from Costa Rica and South America in the tropical area. This orchid is usually the flower to bouquet flowers in celebration.
6. China Aster (Callistephus chinensis)

China aster is natively from China and Korea. This Aster has various colours besides purple, there are also pink, white, blue, and red.
7. Clematis (Clematis sp.)

Clematis lives in the cold area, you may find this flower attach with wall, containers, or maybe in other trees.
8. Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)

Cosmos is the flower that found in Mexico, this flower has yellow in the middle of its head and reddish purple around.
9. Crocus

Crocus lives in the beach, you may find this flower in Europe, Africa, and Asia. They bloom in the summer after winter ends.
10. Dwarf Iris (Iris sibirica)

You may know this flower as Iris reticulata, they are about 90 centimetres long. This flower has a good scent, that’s why other animals like it. They bloom in the spring.
11. Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

This flower has about 20 species, they are known as the dangerous flower due to the toxic in their seeds.
12. Fuchsia (Fuchsia sp.)

Fuchsia has very beautiful vibrant of pinkish purple since that the insects are mostly trapped inside. This fuchsia plant has fruits that are completely edible. They bloom most likely in the summer.
13. Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)

Hydrangea is originally from Asia. This flower contains acid, which you may see in the petals that have a pink colour.
14. Lavender (Lavandula spica)

Lavender is a very common type of flower throughout the world, their scent is known for relaxing and for the ingredients of candlelight or even tea.
15. Liatris (Liatris spicata)

Liatris is known as the magnet of insects. They are bloom around late of summer, however, they can survive in the cold season, their petals will turn to gold in the winter.
16. Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus africanus)

African blue lily is the other name of this flower. They came to various different colours such as blue and white.
17. Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum)

This flower is originally from South America. They can grow up to 60 centimetres. You may find this flower in the meadow area.
18. Monkshood (Aconitum variegatum)

This flower is very obvious by the colour, however, this flower is dangerous due to the poison that they produce.
19. Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea)

Just like the name, this flower in bloom in the morning but they will start to look wrinkly after a few hours past. You may found this flower in other various colours as well as pink, magenta, and white.
20. Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris)

Pasque flower is natively from South Dakota. The special feature of this flower is that they have hairs to protect them from cold weather.
21. Purple Calla Lilies

This flower is very well-known as the flower for elegance and luxury. They are usually used as decoration and found in the garden and container.
22. Purple Carnation

This purple usually uses for wishing someone who is sick of injury and other special moments. This flower is known as the impulsiveness flower.
23. Purple Daisies

Purple daisies are very special with its meaning, they are usually used as consideration or the sign that you like your friend (if you give them this flower).
24. Purple Delphinium

This flower is known for herbal therapy however this flower is actually poison!
25. Purple Freesia

This flower has special meaning and it is actually a symbol of friendship and innocence. Myth says that if you could stare to this flower for a while you are under the spell!
26. Purple Gladiola

The meaning for this flower is the love expression, you can give this flower to express your love to your friends!
27. Purple Hibiscus

This flower is actually one of the ingredients in the tea. This flower can be the representation of wanting your teacher to teach you more. This flower is the right gift for your teacher!
28. Purple Hyacinth

If you are wondering about what you can give as apologise to people, this flower is the answer since this flower is actually a symbol of sadness.
29. Purple Lotus Flower

Purple Lotus Flower is very rare to find but the symbol of this flower is the spiritual mystic of the journey. You may give this flower to people who you wish to have better life.
30. Purple Rose

This elegant flower is the symbol for you to celebrate 25th anniversary also it symbolize as materialistic success.
31. Salvia (Salvia sp.)

This flower is pretty high, they can reach to 3 meters high! Did you know that this flower is the hummingbird’s favorite?
32. Verbena (Verbena bonariensis)

They are very good in the summertime but they are easily broken in the winter season. This flower is natively from South America. Did you know that this flower can use as sex steroid?
33. Wild Indigo (Baptisia australis)

Wild indigo is the flower for curing some diseases like flu. This flower is natively from Central and Southeastern America.
34. Purple Violets Flowers

Although this flower is very common in the colour of white and yellow, maybe you can find the hidden purple one! This flower is a symbol of the life that we have to through with the ups and downs.