While you wait for pumpkin carving why not make a painted pumpkin rock craft or a whole batch? Let’s make some!
- Round rocks with a smooth top (in all different sizes)
- Orange spray paint
- Craft paint in various colors
- Paintbrushes
- Twigs
- Gue gun
Cover your outside work area with cardboard or newspaper, and spray paint the tops of your round rocks. Let dry, and repeat for the back side. Let dry, and repeat as necessary until the rocks are completely orange.

Apply the paint one color at a time, let dry, then add the next color to avoid paint colors mixing.

Break or cut a twig into small pieces to look like stems, and use hot glue to carefully glue the stem onto the top back of the rock pumpkin.

These are the pumpkins painted rock ideas. Aren’t they cute?!

Pumpkins Fall rocks.

So cute I’m trying to get in painting rocks.