Painted rock bumble bee is known as one of bees as animal. But nowadays, people known bumble bee as a robot.
A robot from the character in Transformer movie and most of people will figure it out easily.
Bumble bee itself is a bee which has yellow colors and it has a round shape. It is sometimes just a small bee that produces honey like another bee.
This bumble bee is adopted to be one of the robotic characters in Transformer movie with the yellow color as well. So, even though the shape is different, but this bumble bee robot still relates to the real bumble bee.
Bumble bee rock painting is the best idea for souvenir. It can be used as the souvenir for birthday party, for kids’ gift, or for any party’s souvenir.
This kind of souvenir will be really cute and unique because there is no one used this rock painting as souvenir. Usually, people create this painting rock as their own stuff to decorate their home.
They just create it for themselves without giving it to other person or sell it as their business. However, this cute stuff can be a great business idea since it can be a decoration, gift or just for display.
If you want to offer your own bee pattern designs to others or sell them as your own business, You can consider making bee lapel pins by choosing GSJJ, which is a 20-year-old pins manufacturing factory with very cheap prices.
It has a variety of pin manufacturing processes, supports the free design, and supports customization.
These cute bee pattern pins are a great business idea, either as a gift or as accessories for someone who loves bees.
In addition, you can also sell it to Spelling Bee puzzle game lovers as a mascot for participating in the game.
Painted rock bumble bee is easy to create. The production cost is also inexpensive. The important thing is the paint and also the rock.
You must have the proper rock before starting to paint. Then you also need many colors of paint. Make sure that you have the right paint.
Sometimes the paint has different types, for the wall, paper, and also paint for wood. So, you have to choose the right paint in order to get the best result.
This will also affect to the material you used which is rock. You need to consider that rock can take a long time to dry. So, when you choose the paint, choose the one that can be dried faster.
The brush and also pen color you can use as your tool need to be in a right choice.
You need a small size of brush and pen color to create the shape you want. The sharp and small peak of a brush will help you to easily draw and paint anything on the rock.
Once everything is on set, now you can create the bumble bee painting rock. You can see the picture of bumble bee on the internet and imitate it by painting your rock.
If it is too hard for you, you can choose the big rock as the starter. The big rock gives a large space so you can create your bumble bee with free.
The basic color can be applied by pouring all of the paint over the rock. It will make you faster because you can pour it for many rocks at once.
It will save the time for drying the rock as well before you go to the next step to draw the detail of the bumble bee.
Painted Rock Bumble Bee Ideas
Here you can see bumble bee painted rocks ideas to stimulate your imagination. Enjoy and choose your favourites!

Keyword: Painted Rock Bumble Bee
Hello. I’ve noticed you have used one of my photos (the one with the blue background that appears as the main photo in your Pinterest link) in your blog post about painting bumblebees. I’m happy for you to use the photo ONLY IF you give proper attribution, including my shop name and a hotlink to the item. I don’t believe you are allowed to lift photos from Pinterest or the Web without specific attribution. All of these artists spend a considerable amount of time painting and photographic our items, and it’s unfair for others to use them without proper attributions. Regards, Laura Kane from Alleluia Rocks
Ok, Thanks Laura Kane for your information..