One example of unique handicrafts and how to make it that is easy is stone painting. Batu Lukis is one of the art creations that has been widely known.
Aside from the fact that the basic ingredients for making it are very easy to obtain, the manufacturing costs are also quite cheap.
Only stones are needed in various shapes and sizes as the main ingredients. And of course we can get stones very easily around us.
Well, this time we will share a few tips on how to make unique and interesting crafts and are easy to make. We will make paintings on rocks, especially stones.
Actually, even this stone painting has many kinds of creations. Examples of these stone paintings include animal shapes, human faces, abstracts, plants, etc.
In this article we will share a unique handicraft tutorial and how to make it with a very easy picture.
Tools and materials
- Rock (can be ordinary black stone like river stone, what is important can be painted).
- Acrylic paint and thinner
- Brush, size varies
- Fillers or putty
- Envelop
- Coating (clear varnish)
- Stationary
How to Paint a Stone
Stone Preparation

In this step, wash the stone thoroughly and dry it. Choose the best stone to be painted and according to the design of the painting you want to apply. After that, apply filler or putty to the stone. Sandpaper, wait dry.
Apply putty, wait dry, then sandpaper. For this step, you can also directly use primary without filler first. If you want a stone to be erected, just stick the filler or putty to the base.
Make a Painting Sketch

Because it has been put together, now your stone can be painted with pencil. Make a sketch using the pencil. Remember, if you are a beginner in the field of stone painting, try a motif that is easy to make.

Well, at this step, your stone painting skills will be tested! Use a small brush to apply color to the design you want to apply. Pay attention to the details, because the results of your work will be determined a lot from these details.
Clear Varnish and Finished
The final step is the clear varnish or varnish application. This step aims to provide coatings on paint applied before. Thus the color will not fade easily.
Once applied, wait for dry and do sanding. If necessary, repeat again so that the surface is smoother.

So it’s easy not to paint the stone above? Come on, try your own practice for garden rocks or river or river around the house.
Who knows from this creative activity, you can be an expert in the field of stone painting and can develop a profitable business?
If you want more Rock painting ideas, see below.