Types of Magnolia Trees – Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 flower plant species in the subclass Magnolioideae of the Magnoliaceae family.
There are well over 80 different species of Magnolia trees found around the world.
Magnolia trees are easy to grow, and have very attractive foliage that putts of a nice fragrance.
Different Types of Magnolia Trees
Magnolias are an evergreen that stay attractive all year round even when they shed their flowers.
1. Southern Magnolia

The Southern Magnolia is one of the most popular magnolias within the United States and Asia. It grows very well in climate zone 7 through 10, and it has very large flowers that can be smelled from far away.
It is a large, lustrous foliage is evergreen, with white flowers and conspicuous red fruits or seeds. It is often described as a perennial tree, and it has its most active growth during the spring time.
The southern Magnolia has a long life span relative to most other plant species and a moderate growth rate. At maximum maturity the tree will reach a growth rate of up to 100 feet high.
2. Sweetbay Flower

The Sweetbay Flower is a very popular tree that also grows well in zones 7 through 10, and are best planted near walkways of lawns. This tree is often grown as an ornamental landscape tree because of it attractive foliage, flowers, and fruit.
The Sweetbay occurs naturally in moist and wet soils in wetland areas such as swamps and along streams and ponds. With large, multi stemmed and evergreen this magnolia is noted for its creamy white flower whose fragrance has been described as cool, sweet, and fruity.
The leaves are pale green with a silvery underside and crimson fruiting cones. The fruits provide a good source for many wildlife species.
3. Cucumber Tree

Perfectly, slightly fragrant greenish yellow flowers bloom up high in the tree in early May to early Jule, with a pinkish red fruit that resembles a cucumber.
The tree grows from 50 to 80 feet, and is most commonly grown in zones 4-8. The seeds of the Cucumber Tree are eaten by several species of birds and small mammals.
4. Saucer Magnolia

The Saucer Magnolia is a small low branched tree with large, saucer shaped flowers. In early spring it blossoms pinkish purple outside, and white inside.
It is a medium fast growing, good pollution tolerance tree that like moist, deep, acid soil along with a full shun. The tree typically grows to 20-30 feet and is best grown in zones 5-9.
This is one of the most popular flowering trees in the United States. The leaves are very simple, alternate, three to six inches in length, about half as wide, medium to dark green in the summer, and sometimes turn to an attractive brown in the fall.
The fruit is elongates 1 to 3 inches long, and they appear in August containing small, pointed red or deep pink seeds. This is attractive to birds, and they do produce minor amounts of liter.
5. Star Magnolia

With a showy 3 to 4 inch fragrant white flowers, this hardy magnolia can easily be used as a single specimen or a foundation planting. The Star Magnolia has dark Green Leaves with striking grey bark.
The tree is adaptive to slightly acidic, rich soils, and sun produces the best flowers. The Star Magnolia can be expected to grown in zones 4-8, and it blooms in the spring time.
6. Anise Magnolia

The Anise Magnolia has leaves that are narrower than most other magnolias. The fragrant white flowers come out in the early spring and they are at risk of being killed by frost.
The fruit of the tree are pink with scarlet seeds which is typical of magnolias. The stems give off a lemon scent when bruised. The tree is best grown in zones 4-7, and grows up to 25 feet tall.
7. Loebner Magnolia

This deciduous magnolia tree is a hybrid between M. Kobus and M. Stellata. When in full blood its wide, rounded habit gives a dramatic impression to anyone who sees one.
The leaves are oblong ovals with blunt tips, that are dark green and sometimes golden in the fall. The tree blooms its flowers in March- April and they are are white with pink lines along the centers of the petals with some fushia tinges on the back of the sepals.
The Loebner Magnolia can range in height from 15 to 30 feet. the tree prefers a moist, peaty soil, slightly acidic environment with a full sun in zones 4-8.
Keyword: Types of Magnolia Trees