Creepiest Looking Animals – On Halloween, there are a ton of people in scary costumes roaming the street. Let me tell you, none of those costumes are nearly as scary looking as these ten animals. In fact, the following creatures the scariest looking animals walking on this planet right now.
**Note: This list is only for land animals**
1. Pink Fairy Armadillo

Sure they weigh less than a pound and may not be the most scary looking animal on the planet but when you check out their claws, I bet you notice the hair on your arms stand up a little bit.
Did you know?
The Pink Fairy Armadillo burrows next to ant hills since that is their favourite snack.
2. Giant Water Bug

Technically, this animal could have been listed in the Under the Sea Top 10 list but since they do live on land they get put in this list (besides the number of scary looking animals under the sea is ridiculously high).
Did you know?
The female will cement over 150 eggs to the male Water Bug’s back. He has to give them a piggy back ride for one week before they hatch and free themselves.
3. Jerusalem Cricket

These large, flightless insects have incredibly strong mandibles (mouths) and large legs which give them their scary, alien-like appearance.
Did you know?
Although the Jerusalem Cricket is not poisonous they are capable of releasing a horrible smell as well as delivering an incredibly painful bite. Handle with care!
4. Coconut Crab

The Coconut Crab is the largest land-living arthropod (weighs about 9 pounds) and one creepy looking creature.
Did you know?
The Coconut Crab cannot swim and will drown if placed in water for too long.
5. Tailless Whip Scorpion

Anything that looks like a spider and has massive claws deserves to be on this list. Period!
Did you know?
The Tailless Whip Scorpion walks sideways using their 6 “walking” legs.
6. Happy Face Spider

Spiders are scary enough but when they are smiling at you, it just makes you feel like they are up to something.
Did you know?
The smiley face on the back of the Happy Face Spider is suppose to dissuade hungry birds from swooping in for a meal.
7. Goliath Bird Eater

This spider gets its name from reports indicating that these spiders have eaten small birds. Not only does this spider look creepy but any 8 legged creature that can eat birds is definitely scary!
Did you know?
The fangs of the Goliath Bird Eater are large enough to break your skin but luckily the impacts from their venom are equivalent to that of a wasp sting.
8. Matamata Turtle

I was a big fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and while this turtle looks like a mutant, I think it would have been a bad guy on this TV Show.
Did you know?
In Spanish, the term “matamata” translates to “It Kills, It Kills”. Yeah, that pretty much sums up why this turtle is listed on this list.
9. Aye Aye

My first thought when I see a picture of the Aye Aye is to make sure you don’t feed it after midnight. Yes, this little lemur looks eerily similar to a Gremlin and not that cute Gizmo one.
Did you know?
The middle finger of the Aye Aye is up to 3 times longer than their other fingers (Tweet This).
10. Star-Nosed Mole

Honestly, this underground creature looks like something straight out of a Sci-Fi Thriller. Not only do they have a face that only a mother could love but their claws just creep me right out. Couple those two characteristics together and you have the Creepiest Looking land animal on the planet.
Did you know?
The star-shaped nosed has 21 tentacles and contains two tiny nostrils.