Best Dancer Birds in The World – When it comes to dancing, we could learn a lot from our feathered friends.
These 10 birds may have the fleetest feet on planet. Check them out and don’t forget to write down some of these magnificent dance moves.

This one is impressive as it is not just a simple dance but a perfectly choreographed production.
Did You Know?
The adult Flamingoes may lose their pink colouring if they continue to feed their young throughout the moulting season.

They say it takes “Two to Tango” and while I am not sure this is exactly a tango, it is a pretty spicy dance between two Great Crested Grebes.
Did You Know?
The Great Crested Grebe was hunted to the brink of extinction during the 19th Century (we were after their colourful head plumes).
Related Post: Different Types of Ducks

The dance of the Kakapo tends to be a simple side-to-side head movement but nonetheless, they have definitely nailed their dance down.
Did You Know?
During the breeding season the male Kakapo will often puff out (like a puffer fish) before creating a low, sonic boom that can be heard up to 5 kilometres away.

Dancing alone can be fun but things are always better in pairs. Check out this wonderful dancing duet of the Clark’s Grebe.
Did You Know?
Until the 1980′s the Clark’s Grebe was believed to be a pale variety of the Western Grebe. It turns that they are indeed a whole new species.

The dance of the Brolga may not seem as organized as some of the others but I am sure they have a purpose in mind while they are running all over the place.
Did You Know?
The Brolga is a member of the crane family and formally known as the “Native Companion”.

This particular pheasant has a colourful dance with a big finish.
Did You Know?
The Temminck’s Tragopan is surprisingly a solitary bird, which is a shame since they should be sharing their awesome dance skills with the rest of the world.

While I have seen other Cockatoo’s dance, the best as to be the infamous “Snowball” (this could easily have been the dancing bird, however, it landed at list since is a tame bird).
Did You Know?
While the coloration is a little less fancy than other Parrots, the Cockatoo is among the largest of the parrot family.
8. EMU

Are you surprised that the Emu made it so high on the Best Dancers list? You won’t be after you check out the amazing video below:
Did You Know?
On average the Emu drinks 2 to 4 gallons of water daily!

The Bird of Paradise was made famous to the world as a result of their movie debt on Disney Nature’s smash hit, “Earth” . There moves are very impressive and landed them in the spot on our Best Dancers list.
Did You Know?
There are more than 3 dozen species of Birds of Paradise and they probably all have their own dance moves.

Michael Jackson was known as “The King of Pop” and the Red-Capped Manakin will now be known as “The Best Dancer”. After watching the video below, you will see all the similarities between Michael Jackson and the Red-Capped Manakin.
Did You Know?
Most of the Manakin’s mating dance can’t be seen by the naked eye. Special slow motion camera equipment needs to be used to see the whole show.