Misleading Animals Names – Have you ever wondered who is in charge for naming animals? Well, these next ten sea creatures show how creative scientists can be.
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The Icefish contains an antifreeze glycoprotein that helps keep them from freezing to death while swimming in their Antarctic home.

While this animal may look awfully similar to the tasty vegetable, I don’t recommend eating the sea variety.
Did you know?
When frightened, the Sea Cucumber will literally shoot parts of their organs out of their anus.

As a child you may have been excited picking up “dollars” from the local beach, however, these Sand Dollars probably won’t help inflate your bank account.
Did you know?
It may not look like it but the Sand Dollar actually has a mouth and enjoys feasting on larvae, zooplankton and detritus.

If you need to take notes on your next snorkelling adventure, don’t take the Sea Pen’s name literally! Sure they may look like one of those old antique pens but they don’t write quite as well (or at all).
Did you know?
Although the Sea Pen is typically anchored to the ground, they are capable of pulling up their roots and moving to a new home.

Maybe this squid isn’t a bloodsucking vampire but their black webbed cape, bloodshot eyes and hatred for light (they live in the deepest depths of the ocean) sure makes them similar to your typical vampire.
Did you know?
The Vampire Squid is known to use bioluminescence to attract their prey species…and to disorient any potential predators.

The second squid on the list may be transparent but they are definitely not as fragile as a big sheet of glass.
Did you know?
The Glass Squid has a large chamber filled with ammonia, which they use to control their buoyancy.

If you are looking to discover the amazing but elusive Bigfoot, perhaps you should grab a scuba tank and head to the sea. The Yeti Crab is a little smaller than the famous Yeti but with their unique fur, they sort of look the same.
Did you know?
The fur of the Yeti Crab contains bacteria which may protect them from the harmful toxins found in the geothermal vents where they live.

BOO! Don’t worry, there is nothing to be afraid of. The Ghost Crab is not a real ghost but they do share the pale colour and nocturnal habits of these mysterious spirits.
Did you know?
The Ghost Crab may spend the majority of their time on the beach, however, they breathe through their gills, like a fish. Therefore, these ghastly creatures need to be close to the sea at all times.

There is no need to turn and run from this microscopic bear of the sea. In fact, the Water Bear hardly shares any of the same qualities as a real land bear…other than their general appearance, walking style and hibernating tendencies. Hmmm, they actually do have a few similarities. Maybe we should run!
Did you know?
The Water Bear has been exposed to Space (yes, outer space!) as well as extreme levels of radiation…and survived!

Sure, this may look like a tasty, toasted marshmallow sitting on top of the perfect roasting stick but you may be in for a surprise after you eat it. This incredible sponge definitely looks like a campfire favourite, doesn’t it?
Did you know?
Finding information about the bizarre Melted Marshmallow Sponge is difficult as we have yet to study this creature throughly. I guess that is what happens when you live deep depths of the ocean.