There are so many beautiful and fascinating animals in this world but can you mention 20 of them that starts with the letter W?
Animals That Start with the Letter W
Well, here are 20 fascinating animals that start with the letter W!
1. Wallaby

This animal is similar to a kangaroo, they also have a pouch or consider as the marsupial animal that found in Australia.
The size of this mammal is about 1 meter tall also they have strong legs to jump and use to self-defence such as to use to kick.
Their tail is pretty strong too, it uses to balance their body most of the time.
2. Water Buffalo

This animal from cattle family is also known as Eastern Buffalo. They have greyish black colour of their body and also they are about 1 meter tall. The size of females is smaller than the males water buffalo.
3. Wildebeest

You may know this animal as gnu. The colour of their body can be white, black, or grey. Wildebeest live in savannas in Eastern Africa, the largest mammal migration one is in the Serengeti.
The type of wildebeest in Kenya and Tanzania called Western White-bearded Wildebeest.
4. Wombat

This marsupial mammal is found in Australia and Tasmania, they prefer to live in woodlands and tunnel.
They keep their baby in the pouch for about 5 months.
Wombat is actually the biggest animal in the species of delving animals, they have short legs and claws used for digging.
5. Woodpecker

Woodpecker is a bird in a family of Picidae. There are types of this birds including bare-breasted piculet which is the tiniest kind and the grey salty woodpecker which the largest kind.
This bird is natively from Australia and Madagascar. Woodpecker’s great ability is pecking, they can do pecks for about 20 just in a second.
6. Wolf

Wolf is the mammal that has greyish white and black hair with big ears and sharp eyes. They prey on elk, deer, moose, and also small animals like birds.
They are very greedy when it comes to food, they eat around 10 animals per day.
7. Weasel

Weasel or known as Mustela is a mammal carnivore animal from the Arctic and Australia. They have around 30 centimetres long and also the same size as the tail.
Weasel is similar to polecats and ferret. This animal lives in the logs or piles of rocks.
8. Walrus

Walrus is a mammal that lives in the sea, this animal lives in the cold area like a northern hemisphere.
The characteristic of this animal is the big tusks on their face, tusks about 3 feet long (it used to chop the ice).
There are 3 kinds of walrus which are the Atlantic walrus, Pacific Walrus, Laptev Walrus.
9. Wasp

Wasp is the insect that still in the relative of ants and bees. This solitary insect has a yellow jacket on their body and also hornets.
This insect is in the order of Hymenoptera and Apocrita. Did you know wasp’s larvae can kill their host?
10. Whale

The whale is originally from North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans.
There are two types of a whale which are baleen whales that have 140 baleen plates on their sides and toothed whale that similar to dolphins.
Whale consider as the greatest killer in the sea, they eat sea mammals, seabirds, and also small animals.
11. Wolverine

Wolverine is a mustelid of carnivore mammal that related to skunk, otters, and minks.
The characteristic of this animal are black fur and big teeth that used to crush the bone of their victim, they also have sharp claws that use for their self-defence.
They live around Canada, Polar Circle, Europe and in the US.
12. Worm

A worm is one of the animals that does not have legs and arms.
This animal consist of different species with different size, although they are very common with their tiny size, however, one of the longest types of worm which is Aquatic nemertean worm is about 58 meters.
13. Wrasse

Wrasse is the marine fish with vibrant colour, there are about 600 kinds of them. This small fish is less than 20 centimetres. Wrasse is considered as predators, they prey on invertebrates animal.
14. Woodlouse

Woodlouse or Plural Woodlice is a crustacean with an exoskeleton and fourteen jointed limbs. Woodlice is a nocturnal animal that eats the dead plant. There are about 5,000 types of them!
15. Wolly Monkey

Wolly monkey is the type of monkey in the Atelidae family. This monkey is natively from South America.
This monkey has black face and black hands and they have grey colour fur on their body.
The weight of this animal is around 7 kilograms.
16. Warthog

Warthog is the animal that related to pig family that lives in the desert of Africa. They have ivory on their head to protect themselves.
There are two types of warthog which are typical warthog that lives in the north of Africa and desert warthog lives in South Africa.
17. Water Dragon

Water dragon is the reptile animal originally from Australia and Asia.
There are two types of them which are the first type called Australia water dragon that has strong legs and sharp claws and the second is Asia water dragon that have the pineal eye.
18. Water Vole

Water vole or water rat or water pet dog is the biggest vole in their species as the rodent animal in Britain. They have brownish black furs, small ears, and hairy tail.
This rodent is a swimmer and very full of energy during the daytime.
19. Welsh Corgi

This cute dog has two types which are cardigan that have big ears and Pembroke that have intense ears. They can live from 12 to 14 years.
The colours of their fur are mostly brown-white but they also have different colours depends on their types.
20. Whippet

Whippet also is known as English whippet or Snap pet is the dog breed from England. This dog is the type of sport dog that can do flyball and dexterity even the dog race. They used to catch rabbits and rats.