Can you list how many animals that start with the letter T?
To know further of the animal that started with the letter T. Take a look into this list of 10 animals that easy to remember which start with the letter T below!
Animals that Start with the Letter T
1. Tammar Wallaby

The scientific name for this tammar wallaby is Macropus eugenii, this small animal lives in the south and western Australia. You may hear this tammar wallaby with others names like Damma and Pamma.
They are a nocturnal animal as well as a herbivore. The size of this animal is about 60 centimetres tall and their tail is around 12 inch, their weights are around 20 pounds.
To differentiate between the male and female is that the male wallaby is bigger than the female ones. The fun fact of this tammar wallaby is that they live around 9 years!
2. Tarsier

This Tarsiidae (the scientific name) is a tiny primate animal that lives their whole life in the tree in the forest of Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Tarsier can live 8 to 12 years.
There is 18 kind of this animal some of the species of tarsier are Philippine tarsier, Bornean tarsier, Dian’s tarsier, spectral tarsier, and pygmy tarsier.
The characteristic of this animal is brown-grey fur, big eyes, long fingers, long tails and long legs. The size of tarsier is around 10 centimetres and have 115 until 130 grams weight. Their prey is small vertebrates.
The fun fact of this animal is that they are a nocturnal!
3. Turaco

Turaco’s scientific name is Musophagidae. This bird is originally from South Africa. They usually live in the forest, savannahs, and timberland. Turacos have the bright colour of their feathers, vivid tails, and sharp looking eye.
This brilliant bird uses their wings and feet to climb up the trees. Mainly, this turaco bird eats fruit, flowers, leaves, and tiny insects. Did you know that this animal loves to be in noisy flocks?
4. Topi

Topi, as well as Damaliscus Lunatus, is originally from Sudan and Tanzania. They can live approximately until 15 years. You may find them in the area of savannas and woodlands.
They have beautiful fur of red-ish brown and purple with black dots pattern. The size of this animal are the same both female and male, they have long head with lyre-shaped horns, and also yellow-ish legs. T
he size of topi is about three until four and a half of feet tall. Their weight is about 200 to 300 pounds.
5. Tuatara

The scientific name of tuatara is Rhynchocephalia lives around New Zealand. Unfortunately, the population of tuatara is decreasing.
The characteristic of this animal is that they have a green and brown body with two rows of teeth in their upper jaw and a single row in the upper jaw.
The size of this animal is about 80 centimetres and the weight of this animal is around 1.3 kilograms. They usually prey the tiny animal like beetles, frogs, bugs, and small reptiles.
Did you know that Tuatara alive until 100 years? However, they only mate every 4 or 5 years.
6. Tamarin

Tamarin or saguinus is the small primate animal live in Central and South America. Their habitats are in the lowland forest and swamp.
The kind of tamarin is Bearded Tamarin, Cotton Top Tamarin, Emperor Tamarin, and Golder Lion Tamarin. They can live to 15 years old until 18 years old. The colour of their fur is mostly black, white and brown.
They can grow until 70 centimetres and their weight is about 220 until 900 grams. This animal is an omnivore, they usually eat small reptiles like spiders and frogs but they also eat fruits or nectar.
7. Takin

The scientific name to this animal is Burdocas Taxicolor. They are originally from the Eastern Mountains. Takin has four sub-species, there are Mishmi Takin, Shanxi or known as Golden takin, Sichuan takin and Bhutan takin.
The characteristic of this animal is that they have the giant body with thick gold wool and small horn about 30 centimetres. The fun fact their horn can turn upwards.
They shoulder is about 100 centimetres and their weight is about 350 kilograms. This herbivore animal usually eats bamboo leaves, turfs and pines.
8. Tui

This endemic passerine bird is originally from New Zealand. They live in woodland, offshore, and backwoods. This bird is the only species in the Prosthemadera genus.
The characteristic of this beautiful bird has white a pair of white plumes. Their gorgeous feathers consist of three colours which are metallic green and blue, it also has the brown accent in their back.
They usually eat blossom, fruits, and also insects. The fun fact about this bird is that they are kind of like a parrot, they can imitate the human sounds!
9. Tayra

The scientific name of tayra known as Eira barbara, this mammal lives in Central America, South America, and Yuka Peninsula. Tayra can live until 18 years. Tayra has long necks, brown body, long tail and rounded shape ears.
The long nails that they have been used for climbing. The size of this animal is about 60 centimetres and their weight is about 5 until 7 kilograms.
Tayra is an omnivore animal, they eat small animals like mice, squirrels, insects, or maybe fruits.
10. Toque Macaque

Toque Macaque or Macaca Sinica is the kind of monkey from Sri Lanka, this monkey is well-known as riliwa or rilawa. This monkey often lives in a group of about 20 monkeys.
There are two types of toque macaque which are the Dryzone toque and wetzone togue macaque. The characteristic of this monkey is that they have the brown and yellow-ish body, they have black ears.
The size of this monkey is about 45 centimetres long and they are around 4 kilograms, to differentiate the males are usually bigger than the females.
Toque macaque is the omnivore animal they eat fruits, nuts, bulbs, small reptiles, and birds.