We will not discuss the well-known animals that start with letter P such as pig, panda, penguin, pigeon, puma, pelican, pug, panther, and many others on this article.
Animals that Start with P
You will have new idea and knowledge about these 10 fabulous animals below which might never you hear it before.
These animals below are merely outstanding and amazing with their specialty and unique.
1. Pangolin

Pangolin also called as “scaly anteater” which has long-tailed. They are living in warm regions such as Africa and Asia.
Usually they are staying in savannahs also timberlands which is near to the water. Physically, this nighttime animal is big, plate-like ranges, solidified, lengthened tongue, and powerful claws.
They can grow up 20 to 100 centimeters. The body is so exotic with its brown color. This animal can eat termites, insects, and ants.
2. Pademelon

This tiny marsupial’s habitat is in the dense forests of Queensland, New South Wales, and Tasmania which is the part of New Guinea.
Most of them, physically the 7 varieties of this animal has red-brown on the underparts and dark-brown on the upperparts.
They have short legs and tail with its big belly. The male Pademelon can grow up 1 – 1.2 m long with the weight about 12 kg.
This length is including the tail. While, the female Pademelon usually a bit smaller than the male.
Pademelon eats natural herbs, environment-friendly turfs, and environment-friendly shoots.
3. Peccary

Peccary is also called as Javelina which is a medium-sized of mammal and resembling the wild pig.
They can be found in southwestern of United States and South also Central of the USA.
This animal looks similar to the wild pigs and has huge heads, circular nose, sport dark crude hair, spear-like canine teeth, and small ears also tails.
Peccary can grow up 90 to 130 centimeters with the weight around 20 to 40 kg. They are omnivores and can eat fruits, grass, also seed.
4. Pied Tamarin

This Pied tamarin is called also as Saguinus bicolor. They are tiny and have big population in tropical forests of Manaus which is the part of Brazil.
They have colorful on their body with black hairless face, brown or tan hind legs, brown black tail, and white upper body.
The length for adult Pied Tamarin can reach about 20.8 – 28.3 centimeters in their body and about 33.5 to 42.0 centimeters of their lengthy tail.
The weight is about 400 up to 430 grams. This animal is omnivorous and can eat insects, birds’ eggs, spiders, tiny vertebrates, blossoms, nectar, and fruits.
5. Pika

This animal is the member of Ochotonidae. They have rounded ears, short tail, and brief of arm and legs.
This animal is so little and can be found in chilly climates such as Central Asia and North America.
The adult Pika can grow up 15 to 25 centimeters with the weight around 170 up to 400 grams.
Pika can be easily recognized with its big ears, grey-brown upperparts, sports soft fur, and white on the belly.
They are well-known as herbivore and can eat lawns, twigs, leaves, bark, and herbs.
6. Puffin

The animal Puffin looks like the penguin seabirds. They are living in the ocean blue especially in the steep high cliffs and in the islands of North Pacific Sea and North Atlantic Ocean.
There are three types of this Puffin, they are Atlantic Puffin, Tufted Puffin, and Horned Puffin. Physically, they have short wings, big beaks, short tails, and vast webbed feet.
You can see the beautiful orange color on its legs and mouth. The plumage comes in color white and showing black color on its neck and back.
They can grow up to 345 – 488 grams with the length about 30 centimeters. The male Puffin usually larger than the female.
This animal is an excellent scuba divers and they can eat sand eels, marine invertebrates, and fish larvae.
7. Pudu

Pudu is belonging to the one of the two types of tiny deer. They can be found in South America.
This animal becomes the smallest dear with the length about 32 to 44 centimeters from shoulder high and 85 centimeters about the length of the body.
The weight is about 12 kg. You can recognize this animal with its tiny hooves, rounded ears, small shiners, black noses, dewclaws, and brief tails.
Pudu is so beautiful with its lengthy and crude fur differs in shade. The color of its fur is from a dark brownish to reddish brownish shade.
They are herbivore and eat creeping plants, leaves, young sprouts, blossoms, natural herbs, dropped fruits, and buds.
8. Ptarmigan

This exotic Ptamirgan bird you can found it in tundra locations. It is a tiny bird which is looking like chicken. They are living in the Arctic.
Physically, they have stocky body, feathery feet, rounded white wings, and brief tails.
This bird is unique as they can change their plumage color three times in a year.
In summer season, you will see this bird become brown with dark stripes plumage.
In autumn, it becomes grayish color, and during winter months it becomes white color.
They are herbivore and they eat berries, small bugs, and fallen leaves.
9. Proboscis Monkey

This unique monkey has specialty on it long-nosed. That is why it is called long-nosed monkey also. They have reddish-brown color in shade on its body and grayish limbs.
You can found this animal in the island of Borneo, Malaysia. They are living in mangrove forests, swamps, and shores.
The male of this arboreal ape has fleshy nose which can reach the length up to 7 inches. Besides, this animal also has blackish hair and blue face.
The male Proboscis Monkey can grow up to 72 centimeters long with the weight approximately around 24 kg. Mostly they eat fallen leaves, fruits, seeds, and mangrove shoots.
10. Polecat

This animal is part of weasel family members and become a solitary pet. It can be found in Europe, Asia, and some region of Africa. They are living in farmlands, woodlands, and shores.
Physically, they have long and slender body with its rounded ears, brief tail, sensitive hairs, and brief muzzles.
The black fur and yellow spots on its face and ears become a great combination of creature.
They can grow up to 55 centimeters with the length of tail about 10 centimeters. Most of them are carnivores and they eat little birds, fish, eggs, reptiles, and some of little creatures.
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