4 Way to Design Barn Conversions

Barn conversions are the most popular design today because many people start to love the nature design.

Barn is seemed as the old and inconvenient building, but with today’s design interior it can be the best living place.

How to Design Barn Conversions

If you are wondering how to renovate your old barn to the beautiful home, you might consider these few simple tips and guidance.

Change the Wall

Image Source: amazonaws.com

First thing first, the most common thing for a barn is the wall. You can see that many barns have the brick or the wooden wall.

It is the main and the most important stuff for a barn. But if you want to redecorate or renovate your existing wall, you can change them from timber, stone, or brick, to be the lime mortar wall.

Why you need to choose the lime mortar wall? Because this lime mortar will give you a more breathable wall and it will keep your budget as well.

However, if you want to have a new wall, you can add one. You have to make sure that your new wall has to be matched with the old one.

Some people tend to make their old wall and new wall to be contrast. Now, it depends on your interest to choose the design.

That’s all up to the owner of the house, whether they want to make a clear distinction or to make it matched.

If you need an advice, it will be better for you to mix the wall because the contrast look will be more gorgeous and aesthetic.

The Barn Roof Choice

Image Source: abclocal.go.com

The next important thing about barn conversions is the roof itself. This is the core of the barn as well as the wall.

If you want to renovate your old barn, it will be better for you to change the roof. You need to remove the old roof and replace it with the new one.

Why you need to change it? That’s because you have to improve the roof quality like the waterproof and also the air tightness elements.

This will make your roof long lasting because it can handle the rain or even the sunlight. Another thing to consider is the shape of your roof.

You can choose the symmetrical roof that can cover all the way of your barn. You can also be easy to maintain this kind of roof from timber.

Barn Windows and Doors

Image Source: youtube.com

What the function of doors and windows? Are they really meaningful for a home or just a decoration?

For some people the aesthetic is more important than the function of doors and windows itself.

You may not change the existing doors, but you can add new windows and also openings. T

his will help the barn to get more air. You can use the clear translucent Perspex rather than timber boarding.

The Barn Floors

Image Source: pinterest.com

There are many option for the floors you can choose. Some people choose to give more volume to their barn floor.

So, you can either choose the new floor structure or to use the existing floor.

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